Interview with Armanie - Astrum Founder

Interview with Armanie - Astrum Founder


Bags & Wallets?

I grew up in South Florida. I also spent quite some time living in Canada. My parents are both Jamaican so my roots trace back to the West Indies. I finished High School in Florida and that felt like the birth of fashion for me. Being able to have different experiences living in different places and witnessing a daily mashup up of cultures and personal style.


Bags & Wallets?

The story began in Canada where I came up with the name. I give Miami credit for my growth and my extension of meeting the people that got me to where things are currently. I feel that it is an extension of the brand but as far as pulling inspiration and references, it's based on a general aspect of my upbringing and what's occurring in my personal life.


Who Decides War?

Astrum was originally centered around the subject of Astronomy, which it is short for. At the time of starting the brand the main purpose was to form an overarching theme of the expression, dressing in outer space.


As of late we’ve taken notice of the rapid growth and popularity of the brand. Is there one person you would love to see wearing Astrum?

I’ve been blessed and fortunate for the celebrities and people that have been gravitating to the brand but truthfully, I'd love to see everyone in Astrum. To have that cult feeling and the identity of knowing this isn’t just for me, this is for you.


If you could choose a collaborator to work with rather it be a brand or designer who would it be?

Growing up it was a battle between Adidas and Nike. As a soccer player I needed my uniform to be 1 brand, unfortunately it was never like that. As I got older Nike made more sense to me from a branding standpoint and the evolving technologies implemented in the clothing. Astrum/Nike.


What’s the near future look like moving forward for Astrum?

Working towards building a globally respected brand with cohesive collections with a solid point of view. Astrum’s purpose is to implement its DNA.

Lastly when in Miami what’s your favorite after midnight spot to eat?

Wow um… i’d have to say Swan for a late night situation