How Do You Size a Hockey Stick?

Hockey Player Skating

In the market for a new stick? No matter your age or height, you’ll want a hockey stick that fits your size to allow for the type of shot you prefer on the ice. Whether you’re a centerman taking quick wrist and snapshots, or a defenseman who takes hard slapshots, you want the right size stick to perform how you like to play. Follow these simple steps in this sizing guide to help you choose the right stick size and advice on where to cut your hockey stick so you’re using the proper hockey stick length this season.

How To Size a Hockey Stick Based on Age

No matter your age or the level of hockey you play, the steps in finding the right-sized hockey stick are pretty much the same with a few differences.

hockey stick sizing chart

Sizing a Junior Hockey Stick

First time looking to buy a hockey stick for the kids? Junior hockey sticks usually range from 49-52 inches in length and are the smallest hockey sticks made. Have your child pick a hockey stick that they like off the hockey stick rack. Hold the stick up to their nose and gauge the stick height relative to the nose. Like all other size hockey sticks, the top of the shaft should level with the nose after being cut. Depending on how your child likes to play, you can then cut the stick at the desired height of the chin and mouth area. As they grow older, you and your hockey player will know how to pick the next stick size up. 

Sizing an Intermediate Hockey Stick

Looking for an in-between size hockey stick? Intermediate hockey sticks range from roughly 57-58 inches in height from the blade to the top of the shaft. Just like any other hockey stick, grab one off the shelf that fits your style and brand. Hold the stick up to your face and use your nose as a guiding tool. A stick off the shelf might be a bit longer than nose height but you can cut it down later. Remember, after being cut, the top of the shaft will sit about nose height on flats and chin to mouth height on skates. Remember to cut the top of the shaft to your specified height based on your shooting style.

Sizing an Adult Hockey Stick

When shopping for a senior level adult hockey stick, you’ll want to grab a stick off the shelf with the right length. Senior sticks mostly range from 59-60 inches in length and are the longest hockey sticks made. Measure the top of the shaft with your nose to guide your sizing. A hockey stick without skates on should measure to about your nose height from the top of the stick shaft after being cut. When you put skates on, the top of the stick will then lower to about chin level which is where you want it to sit. From then on, you can adjust either for a higher or lower cut depending on your playstyle and how you like to take your shots on net.

Where Do You Cut a Hockey Stick?

Hockey player holding hockey stick

 Cutting a hockey stick doesn’t have to be intimidating for first-time buyers. Cutting a hockey stick allows for a more modified length for the player as opposed to the factory length off the shelf. After you’ve chosen the perfect stick off the shelf, you’ll want to cut it down to fit your height wearing skates specifically. A properly sized hockey stick will have the butt end of the stick sit between the player’s bottom of the chin and bottom of the mouth when standing on skates. This area of the chin most accurately sizes the stick to the player’s height. Cut the butt end of the stick towards the bottom of your mouth for a longer feel, or just below the chin for a more tight, quick feel for puck handling. 

No matter what age or level of hockey you play, ERLEBNISWELT-FLIEGENFISCHEN has the right size hockey stick for you. Follow these simple steps or speak to a ERLEBNISWELT-FLIEGENFISCHEN Expert to get out on the ice with a hockey stick that is sized perfectly for your shooting style. Looking for more? Check out our expert advice on the best hockey sticks to grab this year and a guide on hockey stick flex.Â