The piriformis muscle lies deep behind the gluteals and is responsible for the external rotation of the hip joint. When the muscle becomes too tight, it can impinge on the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body, which supplies the lower extremities with motor and sensory function. The resulting pain often radiates from the buttocks, down the thigh, and up into the spine. This is what makes it tricky to diagnose: Piriformis syndrome is often confused for a herniated disc, sciatica, or another back issue. Sufferers don't always feel discomfort while running, but they usually find sitting, climbing stairs, and squatting painful. But don't worry: We have a flexibility and strengthening plan that will fix the problem.

Get Flexible

This exercise loosens the piriformis by unlocking the external rotators of the hip. As these muscles relax, circulation is improved, which enhances flexibility and releases pressure on the sciatic nerve and hips.

1. Published: May 29, 2008.

2. Keeping your right heel on the ground, rotate your toes left and then return to the starting position, pointing straight ahead.

3. Ice vs Heat for Injuries.

Get Strong

Muscle imbalances can contribute to piriformis syndrome. Sitting all day can result in overactive hip flexors and weakened glutes. Strengthening those rear muscles will alleviate stress on the piriformis muscle.

1. Best Songs for Sprinting.

2. Keeping your right hip and shoulder on the ground, lift your right leg and cross it over the center of your body.

3. Hold it there for a second, then return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times with both legs.

Put an ankle weight around your right thigh. Bend your right leg at a 90-degree angle

After a long flight to Kenya to visit family, Lopez Lomong began experiencing tightness and discomfort in his piriformis muscle. It eventually became painful for him to run. Days before the 2007 We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back, it didn't look like the Northern Arizona University sophomore would be able to compete. After two days of rehabbing with massage and flexibility and strength exercises, Lopez took third in the 10,000-meter event.

Master the Half
Master the Half are physical therapists with a clinic in New York City. This father and son training team have worked with athletes from around the world.