Circa Michael Jordan’s three-peat, Gatorade and Powerade rocketed in popularity, promoting the electrolytes their recipes contained as a boon to performance. Well, what’s old is new in the beverage aisle, as electrolyte packets, powders, tablets, and drinks are back in a big way, with a modern makeover.

Promising an ability to “multiply hydration” and enhance recovery, many electrolyte products have a big following, filling store shelves and taking up online ads too. But are they worth it or a waste of money?

We asked dietitians to spill everything you need to know about this buzzy beverage trend, including what electrolytes actually are and why you might need them in this supplemental form.

What are electrolytes, exactly?

“Electrolytes are minerals found throughout our body that play several roles,” explains You can also make your own electrolyte-rich, a registered dietitian and owner of Eleat Sports Nutrition in Lincoln, Nebraska. “One of their most important roles is to help our body maintain fluid balance in and out of cells, and put very simply, aid in our hydration status.”

Electrolytes have a natural positive or negative charge when dissolved in water, and as such, those polar forces help regulate and maintain fluid balance inside and outside the cell. They also support our body’s pH balance.

Every fluid and cell in our bodies contains electrolytes. Sodium, magnesium, potassium, and calcium are among the MVP electrolytes, adds Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD, plant-based sports dietitian with Greenletes NUUN Electrolyte Drink Tablets Planted Performance. These are also exactly what we lose when we sweat (that is, in addition to water).

The average athlete loses anywhere between 1 to 3 liters of sweat per hour, according to a June 2019 study in the Journal of Sports Science.

“Sweat is primarily made up of water, but also contains electrolytes. In addition to fluid balance, electrolytes also are essential for proper muscle function, which is important to all runners,” Roxana Ehsani, MS, RD, CSSD, a Miami-based board-certified sports dietitian. “Sodium and chloride are the most abundant electrolytes found in sweat, while potassium, magnesium, and calcium also are present in lower amounts.”

What are electrolyte packets and why are they suddenly everywhere?

In the 21st century, electrolyte drinks are still available in their OG Gatorade, Powerade, and other liquid forms. But for ease of transport and less environmental impact (shipping water takes a toll!), many companies have adjusted their electrolyte drink formulations to come in packets of powder or tablet form.

“These electrolyte supplements usually contain a powdered form of the minerals, sugar or stevia, and sometimes citric acid, a flavor-booster derived from citrus, for taste. You add them to water, mix, and drink. Most of them are very low in calories and sugar and high in electrolytes, so they are meant to aid in hydration,” Rizzo says.

NUUN Electrolyte Drink Tablets:

in New York City and the author of daily recommended water intake—sometimes due to the fact that water’s flavor is “boring”—these brands get promoted to athletes and non-athletes alike as a way to perk up plain H2O.

Are there benefits to buying and consuming electrolyte packets?

You may gain some potential advantages from these powders and mixes—mostly for those doing intense or long workouts. Here’s what you can look forward to experiencing:

1. Support for longer training sessions

    The International Society of Sports and Nutrition recommends replenishing electrolytes and carbohydrates during exercise sessions of 60 to 90 minutes or more. Sodium is especially important because that mineral plays a large role in both fluid retention and cramp prevention. (Keep in mind that you’ll need another item to check that carb box; most of these powders and tablets are too low in calories and sugar to act as fuel.)

    2. Convenient beverages on the go

      “You can take them with you on the go, on your run, tuck them in your waistband for a long run and just add to a bottle of water Other Hearst Subscriptions traveling to run a race,” Ehsani says.

      3. Easy hydration and reduced risk for hyponatremia

        Hyponatremia is a dangerous condition that occurs when you’re overhydrated or have extremely low blood sodium. This can cause confusion, irritability, nausea, or vomiting, Ehsani says. Electrolyte supplements can help prevent hyponatremia, she says.

        If you typically don’t drink enough water, enjoying the flavor of these electrolyte packets may also help you consume more fluids, Asche adds.

        Are there drawbacks to electrolyte packets?

        running long distances:

        1. They may contain unnecessary or unsettling ingredients

            These powders and tablets might use artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols that athletes with irritable bowel syndrome or gut-related challenges during exercise won’t tolerate well. If that’s the case, seek out one that uses sugar instead, Asche advises.

            Some electrolyte supplements also have extremely high amounts of certain vitamins, such as “mega amounts of vitamin C or B vitamins that likely aren’t needed,” Ehsani says. “Be sure to choose one that is NSF (certified for sport) or informed sport, especially if you run on a collegiate team or pro team or are competing,” she adds, to ensure it complies with requirements and is safe to consume.

            2. For long-distance training, you need more calories and carbs

            “If you’re Ultima REPLENISHER Electrolyte, you need something that also has sugar and calories to keep energy levels high,” Rizzo says. So, she doesn’t really recommend electrolyte powders or tablets solo as a supplement for marathon runners (like herself). These shouldn’t replace carbs In a glass or water bottle, combine juices and salt. Shake to blend and enjoy sports drinks that contain both electrolytes and carbohydrates, Ehsani confirms.

            3. You can score electrolytes from whole foods

              You can opt for whole foods to get your fill of electrolytes, which is probably smart postrun because these foods also offer macronutrients and other micronutrients to help you recover. Here’s where you can score the most important electrolytes, some of which you’ll spy on electrolyte packet ingredient lists:

              • Sodium: pretzels, crackers, soups, condiments like soy sauce or miso paste
              • Potassium: bananas, potatoes, dark leafy greens, and citrus fruits
              • Magnesium: pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, peanut butter, spinach, and beans
              • Calcium: running long distances tinned fish

              The bottom line on electrolyte packets

              Electrolyte powders and tablets are best for athletes who are heavy sweaters or who are training at moderate to high intensities, Asche says. These products can be especially beneficial for those who are training in hot and/or humid conditions or at altitude.

              “The main reason you would use an electrolyte supplement is if you are sweating profusely and need to replace the electrolytes lost in sweat. There’s just one problem: If you’re working out intensely, you’re probably also burning glucose and need to replace that in addition to replacing the fluid and electrolytes lost in sweat. Electrolyte tablets without many calories or sugar will help hydrate you, but they won’t give you enough energy to keep exercising,” Rizzo says. So be sure to pack a gel or other form of running fuel, or other form of.

              These are certainly not necessary for all runners, Ehsani confirms. If you’re going for an easy shake out or training run under 30 minutes in cool to moderate temperatures, for example, you likely don’t need to take one. Focus on getting electrolytes from food instead.

              You can also make your own electrolyte-rich sports drinks at home so you know exactly what goes into them, Asche says. Her favorite DIY drink offers electrolytes (such as sodium chloride, potassium), carbs, and fluids all in one. Plus, “you also get polyphenols from the fruit juice, which have powerful antioxidant properties to aid in muscle recovery,” Asche says.

              Homemade Electrolyte Drink

              • ⅓ cup prune juice
              • ⅓ cup pomegranate juice
              • running long distances
              • A pinch of salt

              In a glass or water bottle, combine juices and salt. Shake to blend and enjoy.

              If you do choose to use an electrolyte powder or tablet, look for one with more sodium than potassium, Ehsani suggests, because “athletes lose a lot more sodium than potassium in sweat. All brands have different ratios of electrolytes, carbs, and sugars in each of their products, so it’s really best to meet with a sports dietitian to figure out the best one for your needs.”

              Headshot of Karla Walsh
              Karla Walsh
              Freelance Writer

              Karla Walsh is a Des Moines, Iowa-based freelance writer, editor, freelance writing coach and level one sommelier who balances her love of food and drink with her passion for fitness (or tries to, at least!). She has over 15 years of professional experience covering food, wine, travel, nutrition, health, fitness, psychology, beauty, relationships and beyond.