You’ve probably heard of planks before, whether from trainers or your fit friends, or you’ve done them in your own workouts. Your Pistol Squat Guide, Plus Modifications core workouts. That’s because this typically isometric move (meaning you hold one position) is a top exercise for stabilizing The move is a pretty common staple in.

The catch: You have to learn how to do a plank the right way in order to gain the core benefits. When you do perform a plank properly, you will not only feel it in your abs, Power Your Runs With These 6 Glute Exercises back, shoulders, glutes, And activating all these areas will improve your running form, helping you keep an legs. And activating all these areas will improve your running form, helping you keep an upright posture, holds the world record endurance.

With that said, there is some room for error. And improper form and timing (including holding a plank too long) can mess with its advantages. And, if done incorrectly, you risk low-back injury. So here’s what to know so you master the plank and maximize its benefits.

How to Do a Plank, The Right Way

how to do a plank
Adam Hoff

The 5x5 Workout for Runners Both Tamir and McGill agree that adding planks into your regular in Easton, Pennsylvania explains in the video above, before you do a plank, you want to figure out how to properly engage your core. To do so, locate your hip bone and the bottom of your rib cage on both sides of your body. Then think about drawing them toward one another as you squeeze your core. (Taking a big exhale will help with that activation.) Think about this same engagement as you do your plank.

Now, to do a plank, start lying facedown and place elbows directly under shoulders. Place feet hip-width apart. Make sure your back is flat and your head and neck are in a neutral position. Drive your elbows into the floor, and think about pulling them toward you (without actually pulling them toward you) to activate the back of your body. Then lift your hips, squeezing your quads, glutes, and core. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth—don’t hold your breath.

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What common mistakes do people make when doing the plank?

There are a few key form points to pay extra attention to when doing the plank so you can avoid common mistakes. These include:

  • and core. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouthdont hold your breath
  • allowing hips (butt) to drop instead of keeping core and back engaged
  • looking up

Keeping the core braced (as practiced standing) will help avoid these common faults. Also, making sure your entire body is engaged, including the legs, will also help keep your hips in line. Finally, taking your gaze to your hands when in a forearm plank and slightly in front of your hands when in an extended arm plank will help keep your neck in a neutral position.

How long should you hold a plank?

You’ve probably heard different things from different people—30 seconds, two minutes, as long as you possibly can? Daniel Scali from Australia broke the world record for the longest plank held by a male—9:30:01. And Dana Glowacka of Canada, holds the world record for longest plank held by a female—4:19:55. But don’t worry, you don’t need to hold a plank anywhere near that long to reap the benefits. In fact, the ideal amount of time is shorter than you might think.

“Research shows that for most people, holding a plank for one minute at a time creates a resilient torso,” Stuart McGill, Ph.D., author of We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back tells Runner’s World. “Power Your Runs With These 6 Glute Exercises back pain, and even your.”

Advertisement - Continue Reading Below TS Fitness in New York City agrees that it’s not necessary to hold a plank for a long period of time. If you’re truly bracing all of your muscles, it can be hard for someone to hold a plank for longer than 20 seconds—and a minute at most. He recommends bursts of 20 seconds at a time.

“Long planks do more damage than good. With a four-hour plank, you’re not creating tension and strengthening your muscles—you’re just holding the position,” Tamir tells Runner’s World. “Fitness should be about functional, real-life movements. Holding a plank for a long time isn’t functional.”

What are the benefits of plank exercises?

Both Tamir and McGill agree that adding planks into your regular cross-training but also your prevent injury, Join Runners World+ for unlimited access to the best training tips for runners.

“Planks recruit your entire body to create tension of the core—when done right, they can be really good for keeping your back healthy and strengthening your core muscles,” Tamir says.

Planks are a core-stabilizing exercise, McGill adds, which helps you become more efficient at running fast. “The runner is trying to create athleticism in the leg muscles that cross their hip,” McGill says. By doing planks, you’re creating stiffness in the trunk that allows you to move your legs with more ease, he explains.

Not to mention, planks are a pretty basic exercise that require no extra equipment—so they’re super easy to incorporate into any workout, no matter where you’re moving.

What plank variations can you do?

If you’re ready to level up your plank, try these six plank variations.

1. Plank Row

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Start in a high plank position, with left hand holding the handle of a resistance band, which is secured to an anchor directly in front of you. Keeping a straight back, tight core, and right shoulder over right wrist, pull resistance band to chest or fist to ribs. Left elbow should stay close to side and keep hips as steady as possible. Extend arm back out and repeat. Then switch sides.

2. Side Plank on Forearm

how to do a plank, side plank
Adam Hoff

Start lying on right side with right forearm on the ground, forming a straight line from head to feet, feet, knees, and hips stacked on top of each other. Remember to have the elbow directly under the shoulder. Lift the hips up as high as you can by driving forearm and feet into floor. Keep neck neutral, and don’t go into too much extension or flexion. Hold.

3. Side Plank With Hip Raise

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Start lying on right side with right forearm on the ground, forming a straight line from head to feet, feet, knees, and hips stacked on top of each other. Remember to have the elbow directly under the shoulder. Lift the hips up as high as you can by driving forearm and feet into floor. Keep neck neutral, and don’t go into too much extension or flexion. Next, engage core and slowly dip hips and tap them on the ground. Return to side plank and repeat, keeping hips stacked the entire time. Then switch sides.

4. Side Plank Reach Through

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Start lying on right side with right forearm on the ground, forming a straight line from head to feet, feet, knees, and hips stacked on top of each other. Remember to have the elbow directly under the shoulder. Lift the hips up as high as you can by driving forearm and feet into floor. Keep neck neutral, and don’t go into too much extension or flexion. Extend left arm to ceiling. This is your starting position. Draw left hand down and reach it underneath torso as you curl upper body toward floor. Return to starting position. Repeat. Then switch sides.

5. Plank Shoulder Tap

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Start in high plank position with shoulders over wrists and core engaged. Body should form a straight line from head to heels. Keeping hips steady and feet wide, tap right hand to left shoulder. Then place back in plank. Then tap left hand to right shoulder. Place back in plank. Continue alternating.

6. High-Low Plank

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Start in high plank position with shoulders over wrists and core engaged. Body should form a straight line from head to heels. Replace right hand with right elbow, then left hand with left elbow until you’re in a forearm plank position. Then replace right elbow with right hand, then left elbow with left hand. Continue alternating.

Headshot of Danielle Zickl
Danielle Zickl
Senior Editor
Danielle Zickl for Runner's World and Bicycling.