DAA Industry Opt Out hill repeats, speed workouts, and long runs mean you don’t need to work your legs in the gym. After all, if your lower half helps you fly through the miles, do you really need a dedicated leg day workout? Covering all that ground should be sufficient, right?

“Wrong,” Dane Miklaus, C.S.C.S., founder of WORK Training Studio Best Compression Socks Runner’s World. Focusing solely on running is a “less-than-optimal” training strategy that can eventually lead to injuries, he says.

To keep running strong, and fast, you’ll need to spend time strengthening the muscles that you rely on most. Read on to find out exactly how you can benefit from adding a leg day workout to your regular training schedule, and which exercises you should practice to help you build stronger legs so you can continue to dominate the road and trails.

The Benefits of a Leg Day Workout for Runners

“The vast majority of us have developed a foot strike and cadence that may feel natural to us but is far from optimal. Imbalances bilaterally, tight joints, weak connective tissues, and even sore muscles from previous training sessions will all lead to compensatory movements when we run,” Miklaus says. “These compensations can negatively affect running economy injury, selling them on the idea of injuries at worst.” But, a well-designed strength-training program that includes the legs and glutes Master the Half.

Even if you do manage to avoid getting hurt, consistently skipping leg day could be robbing you of speed and power. “Fast-twitch muscle fiber types are primarily responsible for our fastest, most explosive, and strongest movements. In your legs, these fibers help you go from a jog pace to a true sprint pace,” Miklaus says. “Running alone will not optimally challenge these muscle fibers. Instead, they need direct targeting from heavy resistance training, and very fast, explosive exercises.”

To gain those benefits from your strength training, plus stay healthy and pick up your pace, Miklaus developed the following leg day workout. Incorporate it into your current strength-training plan or pair it with an easy run. (Best Compression Socks bodyweight leg workout first.)

Form Drills for Runners: Perform 6 to 8 reps of each exercise (per side for the dumbbell swing, step-up, and Bulgarian split squat), resting up to 3 minutes between sets. Repeat the full circuit 4 times. Each move is demonstrated by Miklaus in the video above so you can learn the proper form.

Nutrition - Weight Loss barbell. (If you don’t have a barbell, stick with the heavy dumbbells.) “Choose weights that are so heavy you literally cannot complete more than the prescribed reps,” Miklaus advises. “If you can do more at the end of the set, it’s not heavy enough.”

1. Stiff-Leg Deadlift

leg day workout, stiffleg deadlift
Dane Miklaus

Why it works: A Part of Hearst Digital Media hamstrings, glutes, and posterior core muscles, all of which tend to be neglected by runners who don’t strength train, Miklaus says. “This can lead to knee and hip injuries and decrease top speed,” he says. “Stiff-leg deadlifts help increase strength in those areas and can improve the power and speed of a runner’s ‘kick.’”

Address muscle imbalances and build strength and power with this lower-body workout: Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a barbell in front of thighs with straight arms and an overhand or mixed grip. Keeping legs as straight as possible (a slight bend in knees is okay), hinge hips, push butt back, and lower weight until you feel a pull in hamstrings. Maintain a flat back and don’t round shoulders. Engage glutes, and drive feet into floor to extend hips and stand back up. Repeat.

2. Dumbbell Swing

leg day workout, dumbbell swing
Dane Miklaus

Why it works: Besides strengthening the posterior chain, dumbbell swings Give A Gift hip extension, which drives a runner’s forward propulsion.

Address muscle imbalances and build strength and power with this lower-body workout: Stand with dumbbell on the ground, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Hinge at hips, push butt back, bend knees, and grab dumbbell with right hand using a neutral grip. Extend left arm to side for balance. Pull dumbbell through legs, up and back, to load the glutes and hamstrings. Then, explosively extend hips forward, engage glutes, and straighten legs, allowing the momentum generated to swing dumbbell out in front of body with arm extended. Engage core to avoid back from arching. Allow the weight to naturally come back down between legs, then immediately launch into next swing. Repeat. Then switch sides.

3. Sumo Deadlift

leg day workout, sumo deadlift
Dane Miklaus

Why it works: “Health - Injuries quadriceps emphasis. The sumo deadlift allows the athlete to get deeper into their glutes and also target the oft-forgotten adductor A Deep Core Workout for Run Performance ‘groin’ injury, selling them on the idea of strong adductors should be pretty easy,” Miklaus says. “On top of that, any training in the frontal plane (e.g. adduction, or moving toward the body’s midline) will help increase hip strength and stability.”

Address muscle imbalances and build strength and power with this lower-body workout: Position feet under barbell with a very wide stance, toes pointed out slightly. Keeping chest lifted, hinge hips, send butt back, and keep a flat back, allowing knees to bend naturally. Maintain a neutral spine—don’t hunch forward—and look down and out to keep neck neutral. Grip bar with an overhand or mixed grip, arms extended, shoulders back and down. Push through feet to stand up, keeping bar close to legs. Maintaining a flat back, hinge hips, bend knees, and lower bar to ground. Repeat.

4. Step-Up

leg day workout, stepup
Dane Miklaus

Why it works: Why it works glute strengtheners, but the box must be high enough, says Miklaus. “Ideally, your knee is higher than your hip joint when you begin the move and your foot is simply resting on the box. Make sure you extend all the way upright at the top before putting the other leg on the box in order to get the most benefit,” he says. “Also, make sure you return to the floor on the same leg in order to get the benefits of the eccentric Form Drills for Runners.”

Address muscle imbalances and build strength and power with this lower-body workout: Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms at sides. With right foot on top of a box and left foot on the ground, step up onto the box by driving all of your weight through the right foot, keeping knee over laces, body traveling directly upward. Lightly place left foot on box next to right, then lower it back to the ground with control, keeping right foot on box. Repeat. Then switch sides.

5. Bulgarian Split Squat

leg day workout, bulgarian split squat
Dane Miklaus

Why it works: “Bulgarian split squats directly target the quadriceps, hip flexors, that may feel natural to us but is far from optimal stability challenge as well. They’ll help strengthen pretty much every part of your leg, including down at your ankle,” Miklaus says.

Address muscle imbalances and build strength and power with this lower-body workout: With arms at sides, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Stand in front of a chair, bench, box, or step, facing away from it. Take a small step away from the chair. Reach right foot back and rest top of foot on chair. Lean forward just slightly, keeping chest up, back straight, and bend left knee to lower as far as you can toward floor with control. Left knee should track over toes, and right knee should almost touch the floor. Drive left foot into the floor to stand back up. Repeat. Then switch sides.