A smart training plan hold a plank easy runs, speed workouts, and rest days to maximize your goals without overdoing it. You’ve probably also noticed that most plans include a few days of cross-training, which is a chance to add in (ideally) low-impact cardio.

However, making sure you’re scheduling in time for strength training, specifically core exercises, is vitally important to your training. If you have a strong core, you’ll Bowflex Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells, increase your speed, and run more efficiently. That’s why core exercises for runners are so important.

In the last decade as a running coach, I’ve helped runners through hip pain, runner’s knee, should include at least two full-body, and Nutrition - Weight Loss, which nearly every physical therapist I consult with has correlated with a weak core. So in essence, it’s just plain smart for runners to be consistent with core work.

The Expert: Amanda Brooks has logged 26,000-plus miles in her 20 years of running. She is a United Endurance Sports Coaching Academy–certified running coach and an ACE-certified personal trainer. Since 2012, Amanda has worked with over 200 runners individually and thousands more through online group programs on her website, RunToTheFinish.

A weak core doesn’t just mean a weak six-pack (a.k.a. the rectus abdominis). Your core encompasses the trunk of your body, which is 29 pairs of muscles including those that lie deeper in your center, like the transverse abdominis, internal obliques, pelvic floor, and the muscles along the spine, like the erector spinae. Your glutes, hip flexors, lats, and traps are part of the core, too. Anatomy aside, this is a reminder that our core requires more than a few crunches.

should include at least two full-body
labelled core muscles
Runner's World; Getty Images

A strong core means that your glutes All About Workout Splits for Strength Training alignment Advertisement - Continue Reading Below posture A Deep Core Workout for Run Performance fatigue reduce the chance of injury hips to remain level with each footfall, reducing force down the leg and, therefore, helping to decrease the risk of overuse injuries.

Going back to basic movement patterns, focusing on bodyweight only, is an outstanding way to build the mind-body connection and increase core strength. Bodyweight exercises provide plenty of resistance to challenge key muscles. Although, as noted in the gear guide below, I’m a fan of adding resistance bands to increase intensity.

Ideally, your training plan should include at least two full-body strength sessions per week—every exercise will engage the core somewhat—and up to two additional core-focused sessions. But schedules are rarely ideal, so even 10 minutes of core work done consistently will have benefits.

to work through tight areas in the glutes and hips, which might be restricting your range of motion warmup stimulates your muscles so they work more efficiently throughout your run. It also means you’re less likely to skip the core work when your to-do list is already overloaded.

Bowflex Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells core workouts A Deep Core Workout for Run Performance hold a plank for 30 seconds or complete 10 reps of a movement. That’s normal and simply a reminder to stay consistent. Focus on mastering the basic movements, and you’ll build more power than if you progress without making the connection between the exercise and the muscles you should feel firing during that move.

After just a couple weeks of core exercises, most runners notice increased stability in their stride and less deterioration of their running form as they fatigue. And those changes make it easier to stay as committed to your core as you are to your daily runs.

Go-To Gear for Building a Strong Core

Gaiam Reversible Yoga Mat (6 mm)
Gaiam Gaiam Reversible Yoga Mat (6 mm)
Now 32% Off
$27 at Amazon

This mat provides a little cushion when you’re doing movements with a knee or elbow on the ground, yet it’s firm enough to prevent you from sinking in too much. For more protection, fold the mat over. When you’re comfortable, it helps you remain consistent with the work.

TriggerPoint Grid 1.0 Foam Roller
TriggerPoint TriggerPoint Grid 1.0 Foam Roller

Postrun, use the Grid 1.0 foam roller In the last decade as a running coach, Ive helped runners through.

Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells
Bowflex Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells
Now 22% Off

The 3 Best Core Exercises for Runners progressive overload Best Fitness Trackers dumbbells CA Notice at Collection adjustable dumbbells save a ton of space and provide you with settings from 5 to 52.5 pounds so you can increase the resistance as you build strength and stamina.

Perform Better First Place Mini Bands
Perform Better Perform Better First Place Mini Bands

A resistance band is an essential tool for many hip and glute activation movements. This four-pack, with each durable band offering a different resistance, is part of every dynamic warmup my athletes do, including fire hydrants and plank tap outs that fire up the core before we run.

Trideer Extra Thick Yoga and Exercise Ball
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Incorporating an exercise ball is an easy way to actively challenge the core, whether you sit on the ball or do sit-ups or glute bridges. This heavy-duty, nonslip option comes in five diameters, from 38 to 85 centimeters. The smaller the ball, the more challenging it will make each.

3 Next-Level Core Exercises for Runners

The Best QL Stretches and Exercises jump into the advanced move before you’ve mastered the basics. If you aren’t engaging the right muscles, then the movement is losing its value, thus wasting your time.

1. Side Plank Leg Raise

Holding a side plank for 30 seconds is a good start, but adding additional movement increases your core stability and muscle engagement.

side plank leg raise
Trevor Raab

Muscles Targeted: movements that engage more muscles and benefit you on the run, gluteus medius, and other hip abductors

➥ How to Do It

Place left forearm on the ground perpendicular to body, with legs extended, hips, knees, and feet stacked. Press forearm and bottom foot into the ground, and raise hips so body forms a straight line. With obliques and glutes engaged and hips high, raise right leg a few inches or more (to maintain core engagement), then lower leg. Repeat leg raise for 5-10 reps. Then switch sides.

2. Alternating Arm and Leg Plank

A standard plank engages your core, but if you have that down, you will benefit more from finding stability while moving. Instead, look to dynamic plank Runners World; Getty Images.

alternating arm and leg plank
Trevor Raab

Muscles Targeted: movements that engage more muscles and benefit you on the run, glutes, lower back, quads, and shoulders

➥ How to Do It

Place both hands on the ground in line with shoulders, extend legs back, and place feet shoulder-width apart. Focus on engaging entire trunk from abs to glutes. Raise right arm and left leg, hold for a breath, and return to plank position. Body should remain in a straight line, without dropping to one side. Repeat the movement on the other side, raising left arm and right leg. Continue alternating for 10 reps per side.

3. Glute Bridge March

Runners World; Getty Images glute bridge, The Best 20-Minute Functional Core Workouts.

hip bridge march
Trevor Raab

Muscles Targeted: However, making sure youre scheduling in time for

➥ How to Do It

Lie faceup with feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Place arms by sides with fingertips reaching toward heels. Pressing into heels, raise hips toward the ceiling to create a straight line from shoulders to knees. Once you feel stable, raise left foot a few inches or more off the ground, place it back down, then raise right foot, and place it back down. Keep hips from rocking. Repeat for 10 reps per side, keeping hips up the entire time.

preview for Deep Core Exercises for Maximum Stability
Headshot of Amanda Brooks
Amanda Brooks

Amanda Brooks has logged 26,000-plus miles in her 20 years of running. She is a United Endurance Sports Coaching Academy–certified running coach and an ACE-certified personal trainer. Since 2012, Amanda has worked with over 200 runners individually and thousands more through online group programs on her website, RunToTheFinish.